Japanese Knotweed Removal Experts

We specialise in the eradication of Japanese Knotweed to enable property sales and purchases.

Call us now on 01924 944600


Who We Are

SE Environmental Services Ltd are an industry leading ecological groundworks contractor with a proven record within both the domestic and commercial sectors.

Commercially we have an great list of clients and have worked on some of the largest construction projects within the United Kingdom and Europe where works delivered by SE Environmental Services Ltd include large scale vegetation clearance, tree felling and planting, invasive weed management, pond and wetland habitat creation and fencing along with both hard and soft landscaping works.

SE Environmental Services Ltd have been involved in several the largest projects, ranging from the construction of Football Stadiums and Highways through to Railways & Flood defence systems along with housing developments. Within the domestic sector, our work is predominantly based around the control of invasive weeds – namely Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed and Himalayan Balsam.

SE Environmental Services Ltd are PCA (the auditing body of invasive weeds contractors) qualified experts in the identification, surveying, treatment, and remediation of Japanese Knotweed. We are fully insured to undertake works of all scales and complexities.

Our team has more than 25 years experience in helping businesses, homeowners and local authorities remove Japanese Knotweed risks to their premises

Japanese Knotweed Removal Specialists

Our expertise lies in the remediation and removal of Japanese Knotweed, facilitating property sales and purchases. As specialists in Japanese Knotweed, we are experts in the identification and removal of this unwanted weed.

SE Environmental Services Ltd are PCA (the auditing body of invasive weeds contractors) qualified experts in identifying, surveying, treating, and remediating Japanese Knotweed. We are fully insured to undertake works of all scales and complexities.

Our team has more than 25 years of experience in helping businesses, homeowners, and local authorities remove Japanese Knotweed risks to their premises.

Ecology Surveys & Reports

SE Environmental Services Ltd has an in house team of Ecologists with a wealth of experience gained from many years working on a wide variety of projects across the country from Ecological Watching Briefs on small clearance projects through to working on some of the largest road, rail and infrastructure projects in Europe, namely HS2.

Our team of Ecologists can assist at all levels and all stages of projects from initial design and surveys through to protected species licensing, planning
application submission and the implementation of agreed mitigation and enhancement works.

Works routinely undertaken:
• Bat Surveys
• Badger Surveys
• Barn Owl Surveys
• Great Crested Newt Surveys
• Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
• Watervole Surveys
• Otter Surveys
• Nesting, Wintering and Breeding Bird Surveys

Vegetation Management

SE Environmental Services Ltd are industry recognised experts at providing bespoke solutions and management plans to ensure your works are not delayed or impeded by unwanted vegetation. Providing a clear and clean site to allow for a smooth start to works.

Site Clearance

Following on from surveys be they Invasive Weeds or Protected Species, some form of site clearance is usually undertaken. Here at SE Environmental Services Ltd we are fully qualified and capable of undertaking clearance works of all sizes and scales from grassland and light scrub through to forestry operations and because of our strong environmental background and team of ecologists, you can be sure that all relevant legislation, guidance, and best practice will be adhered to keeping both our Clients and SE Environmental Services Ltd on the right side of the law.


“Incredibly grateful to SE Environmental for arranging an inspection and delivering a survey all within 24 hours of my getting in touch ahead of exchange on a house – impeccable service!”

- Charlotte

“Couldn’t recommend highly enough. Without the fast response of SEE we wouldn’t have been able to sell my house and buy our dream home. From the advice on the phone to the survey the next day and the report and management plan TWO HOURS after the survey was completed, the quality of service was faultless. I also couldn’t help myself searching for costs for both the initial survey and report and the treatment programme from other companies and SEE were the cheapest by far.”

- Jess

“I couldn’t recommend SE Environmental highly enough. I didn’t think I would be able to sell my house with Japanese Knotweed in the garden but a survey was able to be carried out the next day by a lovely chap and I had the management plan 3 hours after. The sale went ahead and I couldn’t be happier with the service.”

- Natalie

Invasive Weed Management

Himalayan Balsam

Introduced as a garden plant in 1839, but soon escaped and became widely naturalised along riverbanks and ditches, especially close to towns. It is fast-growing and spreads quickly, invading wet habitat at the expense of other, plants.

It’s explosive seed pods aid it’s spread by sending the seeds into watercourses, causing further dispersal downstream. As it is shallow rooting this can lead to land erosion.


Easily recognised by it’s upright, fir tree-like
shoots that appear in summer. The creeping rhizomes of this pernicious plant may go down as deep as 2m (7ft) below the surface, making them hard to remove by digging out, especially if they invade a border.

They often enter gardens by spreading underground from neighbouring properties or land.

They can cause significant damage to surfaces, such as tarmac.

Giant Hogweed

The stems leaves and sap contains several photosensitizing furanocoumarins. In contact with the human skin and in combination with ultraviolet radiation, these compounds cause burning of the skin. After a period of about 24 hours flushing or reddening of the skin (erythema) and excessive accumulation
of fluid in the skin (edema) appear, followed by an inflammatory reaction after three days. The affected skin may remain sensitive to ultraviolet light for years. As such, it is essential that Giant Hogweed is properly managed on site, prior to works commencing on site.


We appreciate that time is money, so we work quickly and efficiently to ensure you have peace of mind that any threats posed by Japanese Knotweed are negated professionally, responsibly and legally. Our qualified surveyors (CSJK) provide bespoke management plans & a range of warranties to satisfy site requirements

Get In Touch


Please complete our enquiry form or get in touch at Office@seenvironmental.co.uk